
Magic Makeover date

Would you like to rekindle your love life? Would you like to add some magic into your relationship? Would you like to surprise your partner by looking absolutely fabulous ?

If yes, then we have have something exciting for you? Introducing our newest program ,"Magic Makeover date ". So what's in it for you and your partner ? You both are groomed separately by our styling experts to look your best. You are coached in the nuances of dating, the art of fine dining, the perfect mannerisms, witty conversation and graciousness. In the evening, you meet at a venue of your choice. Impress you partner and make them fall in love with you all over again with a seductive smile , a killer look , impeccable behavior and a very confident you.

Do contact us for more information on customised packages.

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  • Personal Development

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  • Dating Etiquette

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